Legal Notices

 The consultation of website implies the unconditional acceptance of these terms of use.

Identification of the site editor:

Publication : SOLCRISREP

Director of Publication, Legal Manager :
Soledad Melgarejo, 46, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 77340 Pontault Combault (FRANCE)
Phone number : 
+ 33 6 86 93 88 00
Capital social :  
RCS :  
789 971 785 00017 
Code APE :  

VAT number :  FR 18 789971785 website has been created by :

42, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris
+331 49 70 85 85 website is hosted in France by OVH  

1 – Information

The published information, including in appearance and characteristics, on the website are not contractual.

This information does not constitute an assertion, guarantee or any commitment by SOLCRISREP regarding any product or service. SOLCRISREP disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to their completeness, accuracy or fitness for any purpose.

SOLCRISREP makes every effort to ensure that the information accessible through its website is accurate. However, we do not guarantee that this information is accurate, complete and up-to-date in real time.

SOLCRISREP makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning all or part of its website. In any case, SOLCRISREP cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the use of its website.

The inclusion of hypertext links to other websites or resources available on Internet, does not engage the responsibility of SOLCRISREP or that of its host because of the content offered by the designated sites.

SOLCRISREP declines any responsibility concerning the contents of sites linked to the website

SOLCRISREP declines any responsibility as for the relevance of the information provided and the use that a surfer is likely to make of it.

2 – Modification

SOLCRISREP reserves the right to modify or correct, at any time and without notice, the contents of its website, whatever their nature.

3 – Personal data

The information collected from Internet users through a contact form comply with the Data Protection Act. We inform you that your answers are optional and that the lack of response does not result in any consequences. In some cases, however, your information must be enough to enable us to respond to you and / or process your requests.

SOLCRISREP undertakes that the collection and processing of your data, made from the website, comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act.

4 - Intellectual and industrial property rights

The website and their copyrights are protected as provided for in Book I, Titles I and II of the Intellectual Property Code in its legislative section.

Consequently, any use of the products including all or part of website can be made only with written authorization.

According to the rules of common law, SOLCRISREP may bring into play the contractual liability of its visitors or engage in an action in unfair or parasitic competition against the authors of breaches of the provisions in question.

The internet user may not communicate any of the products including all or part of website to third parties even if they are legally separate, against payment or for free, either directly by providing the original data, or indirectly under combined form of said data.

The internet user may not modify, reproduce or adapt any product including all or part of website and the data they contain (including photos). The internet user may not copy by any means whatsoever, download, market, resell, distribute, transmit, publish, automatically download in any form whatsoever any data available or hosted on website.

Abusive appropriation of broadcasting rights will be sanctioned by the regulatory and legislative provisions relating to copyrights and producer rights provided for by the Intellectual Property Code.

5 – Counterfeiting

Any reproduction, representation or even partial use by any means whatsoever without the written consent of “SOLCRISREP” is prohibited and unlawful. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

In addition, third-party owners of counterfeit content, regardless of their nature, are entitled to take legal action against counterfeiters. This provision also applies to passing Internet users.